We've all had days at work that have deadened our soul.
But have you ever been responsible for a screw-up so profound you've briefly considered never showing your face in public again?
may well have been the case for some of the employees captured in these
comical (in hindsight) scenarios from around the world.
In one, a uniformed man is pictured gazing glumly at what appears to a sinking water vessel full of cars.
Others include workplace disasters that have unfolded in workshops and a hospital.
Here, xboylogs blog Travel presents a catalogue of catastrophes that will make your job look like a walk in the park.
That sinking feeling: As bad as your day is, it's unlikely to have gone so savagely wrong as it has for this chap;
To see more pics.
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Defeated: His vacuum cleaner has lost its battle with a lift and this man's emotional response is best described as forlorn |
Who's going to call the boss? The worker who had a hand in this absolute shocker has some uncomfortable explaining to do |
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